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Civil War
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A Pictorial History of Civil War Era Musical Instruments & Military Bands Robert Garofalo
An Introduction to Civil War Small Arms Earl J. Coates and Dean S. Thomas
Carbines of the Civil War John D. McAulay
Confederate Bowie Knives Melton, Phillips and Sexton
Confederate Finance and Purchasing in Great Britain Richard I. Lester
Confederate Veteran Magazine Books Vol 1-4 National Historical Society
History of the Confederate States Navy J. Thomas Scharf
John Brown Gordon Ralph Lowell Eckert
Maine Adjutant Generals Report for the Years of 1864 & 1865 Augusta
The Bloody Ground Bernard Cornwell
The Federal Civil War Shelter Tent Frederick C. Gaede
The History of the War for the Union Everet Duyckinck
The Long Arm of Lee Jennings Cropper Wise
The Passing of the Armies Joshua L. Chamberlain
Three Volume Set New York at Gettysburg July-1-2-3-1863 New York Monuments Commission
Time Life Civil War Battles For Atlanta
Time Life Civil War Confederate Ordeal
Time Life Civil War Decoying The Yanks
Time Life Civil War First Blood
Time Life Civil War Forward To Richmond
Time Life Civil War Rebels Resurgent
Time Life Civil War Tenting Tonight
Time Life Civil War The Blockade
Time Life Civil War The Bloodiest Day
Time Life Civil War The Coastal War
Time Life Civil War The Fight For Chattanooga
Time Life Civil War The Road To Shiloh
Time Life Civil War The Struggle For Tennessee
Time Life Civil War Twenty Million Yankees
Time Life Civil War War On The Mississippi
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