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Civil War
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1001 Things Everyone Should Know About the Civil War Frank E. Vandiver
Price: $25.00
A Blockaded Family Parthenia Antoinette Hoague
Price: $10.00
A Civil War Treasury of Tales, Legends and Folklore B.A. Botkin
Price: $30.00
A House Divided The Lives of Uysses S. Grant and Robert E. Lee Jules Archer
Price: $15.00
A Life For the Confederacy Robert A Moore
Price: $45.00
A Naval History of the Civil War Howard P. Nash Jr.
Price: $7.50
A Pennsylvanian In Blue Thomas Beck Walton
Price: $5.00
A Stillness at Appomattox Bruce Catton
Price: $30.00
Abraham Lincoln and the Second American Revolution James M. McPherson
Price: $15.00
Abraham Lincoln Lord Charnwood
Price: $35.00
America's Battlegrounds Walk in the Footsteps of America's Bravest Richard Sauers
Price: $15.00
An Illustrated History of the Civil War Images of an American Tragedy Time Life
Price: $40.00
An Irishman In Dixie Thomas Conolly
Price: $50.00
Andersonville MacKinlay Kantor
Price: $35.00
Antietam Revealed Dennis E. Frye
Price: $9.00
Armored Giants F. van Wyck Mason
Price: $7.50
Attack and Die Civil War Military Tactics and the Southern Heritage McWhiney & Jamies
Price: $25.00
Battle Cry of Freedom The Civil War Era James M. McPherson
Price: $20.00
Battle Flag Bernard Cornwell
Price: $10.00
Battlefield Ghosts B. Keith Toney
Price: $5.00
Battlefields of the Civil War William C. Davis
Price: $15.00
Battles and Leaders of the Civil War Ned Bradford
Price: $10.00
Blind Legacy Ransom Hundley
Price: $25.00
Blockade Runner of the Confederacy Hamilton Cochran
Price: $30.00
Blockaders, Refugees, & Contrabands George E. Buker
Price: $35.00
Bloody Roads South Noah Andre Trudeau
Price: $10.00
Brink of Destruction Randall Bedwell
Price: $5.00
By Sea and By River The Naval History of the Civil War Bern Anderson
Price: $60.00
Captain Raphael Semmes and the C.S.S. Alabama
Price: $10.00
Chesapeake Bay in the Civil War Eric Mills
Price: $25.00
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