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A Naval History of the Civil War Howard P. Nash Jr.
Item #: AA2081
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This book was written by Howard P. Nash Jr., published in 1972, the narrative is 301 pages and is illustrated with black and white photos and drawings. In this concisely written, informative look at the role played by the Union and Confederate Navies in the Civil War, historian Howard Nash Jr. has dealt entertainingly with the occurrences he describes. He has deliberately concerned himself only with significant events, preferring to leave minor details to others. Most of us, if we think of the Navy's part in the Civil War at all, conjure up an image of the battle between the Monitor and the Merrimac and perhaps a vision of Admiral Farragut damning the torpedoes at Mobile Bay. What is not generally known is that the Union Navy played a significant part at the Battle of Vicksburg, and aided in the capture of Charleston and Fort Fisher. Confederate cruisers and privateers preyed on Union merchant shipping to such an extent that the Union merchant marine was severely reduced. This hard book is in very good, used condition, with a dust cover in good condition.
Shipping Weight: 3 lbs
Item # AA2081
Your Price $7.50 USD

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