Early 1900's Stereo View "Trading Post Northern Idaho"
Item #: AA3416
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This is a stereograph of Idaho Native American's entitled "Trading Post--Northern Idaho". A stereograph consists of two identical or nearly identical photos, paired to produce a single, three dimensional image when viewed through a stereoscope. The most common stereographs are card mounted, and were first produced in the 1850's. The height of their popularity was between 1870 and 1920. Oliver Wendell Holmes invented a hand held stereoscope in 1859. The stereographs were usually made of popular tourist sites, exotic locations that the average person would probably never visit, animals and other items of interest. These stereographs enabled everyone to see what before only the wealthy and privileged could afford. This view shows four Native American's from an unidentified northern Idaho tribe outside a trading post, trading their furs with the owner of the trading post. They appear to be in a prairie setting, a log trading post with sod roof in the background. Three of the native Americans wear hats, the fourth is bare headed. A large fur is spread out on the ground with smaller furs laying on it. The trader holds one of the furs up for inspection as the Native Americans look on. The card is in very good condition, no bent edges, creases or stains. This image has been colorized and is very clear. If you collect stereographs, this is a nice example of an early 1900's view that won't break the bank.
Shipping Weight:
1 lb
Your Price $10.00 USD
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