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Riker Case with Two WRC Ribbons, One USWV Ribbon and Two Southern Philatelic Convention Badges
Item #: AA3281
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This is a riker case of two Women's Relief Corps reunion ribbons, one United Spanish War Veteran reunion ribbon and two Southern Philatelic Association convention badges. The GAR was a veterans organization that was formed by Benjamin Stephenson on 6 April, 1866. It was composed of Union veterans of the American Civil War. In the beginning the GAR was available as a way for the veterans to meet and stay in contact with each other after the war ended. They soon grew into one of the most powerful political organizations of their time. Organizations such as the Sons of Veterans, Daughters of the GAR, Women's Relief Corps, Ladies of the GAR and the National Association of Ex-Prisoners of War were started as auxiliaries to the GAR as the older veterans began to die off. There are 2 different reunion ribbons from the Women's Relief Corps included in this group. One is of the 13th Annual WRC convention for the Department of Indiana held in South Bend 13 and 14 May, 1896. The second is a WRC convention held in the 8th District at Fort Wayne, Indiana. The 13th annual convention ribbon is in very good condition, while the 8th District ribbon has a couple of minor issues. The United Spanish War Veteran ribbon is from the Marcus D. Russel Camp No 2 out of Troy, New York and dated 1903. The camp was named in honor of Marcus Russell, a member of G Troop, 1st United States Volunteers, also known as the Rough Riders. Russell was killed in action at the Battle of La Guasimas, Cuba on 24 June, 1898. The ribbon has one small issue at the bottom right hand corner. The two Southern Philatelic Association Convention badges are in very good condition. They are made up of name badge with pin, the white ribbon with print and a gold medallion of the Capitol building in Washington, DC. The printed part of the ribbon reads Compliment of BRANCH NO. 5, the logo of the Southern Philatelic Association and WASHINTON D.C. Aug 15,16,17, 1916. This organization was formed in February, 1894 to provide young stamp collectors in the South an alternative to membership in the American Philatelic Association. All of this comes neatly packaged in an 8 x 12 riker case, and it displays fantastic! This would make a nice Christmas or birthday gift!
Shipping Weight: 2 lbs
Your Price $75.00 USD

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