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Official Stamp United Spanish War Veterans Los Angeles Auxiliary No. 26
Item #: AA3426
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This is the "official" stamp of the Los Angeles Auxiliary No. 26 United Spanish American War Veterans. The auxiliaries for these organizations were mainly composed of the wives or other female relatives of Spanish War Veterans in the local area. This stamp was used on documents that the auxiliary dealt with to show their "official" approval/support/disapproval. The impression it leaves on the paper is a round with a narrow ring of raised dots on the outside of a circle. Within the raised dots are the words "LOS ANGELES AUXILIARY No. 26 A U.S.W.V.LOS ANGELES, CAL." in an arc. Inside the circle is the date the organization was founded, and reads "MUSTERED/APRIL 26/1915". This is a very unique piece of Spanish American War period history, and will compliment the Spanish American War Veteran Auxiliary collection.
Shipping Weight: 4 lbs
Item # AA3426
Your Price $35.00 USD

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